Our Translation Services in Greensboro, North Carolina

Looking for a professional translation services company in North Carolina? Then you have come to the right place! Through our office in Greensboro, NC, Orange Translations serves corporate clients in North Carolina and throughout the US.

We provide professional translation services in 50+ languages for the marketing and market research industries as well as finance, legal and technical translations. Our services include translation, website localization in TYPO3, WordPress and Wix, desktop publishing services, transcription, subtitling, and voice-over.

We no longer offer certified translations of personal documents.

North Carolina Translation Office
Orange Translations LLC
101 South Elm Street, Suite V16
Greensboro, NC 27401
Phone: (336) 310-8595 usa@orangetranslations.com

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    Last year we needed translations for a project with multiple elements that all needed to be translated into a multitude of languages. Orange Translations was right from the beginning quick to respond, open about the process, fast in their turnaround times and the team members asked knowledgeable up-front questions about the work. Using native speakers, and a 2nd proofreader before sending the work back delivers quality work. They offer adding translated copy into working files, which has been extremely helpful, especially on the translations in languages with different alphabets! Orange Translations is our go-to source for our ever-growing amount of international projects. - Inke Borret

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